The first half of 2024 has provided a wealth of data on the advertising performance of Amazon and Walmart. Laura Patterson, Senior Director of Strategy and Insights at Teikametrics, joined us to delve into the trends, efficiency metrics, and insights from these eCommerce giants. Here’s a comprehensive look at what we uncovered.

If you’d like to listen or watch the full breakdown, check out our podcast Human in the Loop.

Overall Efficiency Trends Efficiency, a critical benchmark for advertisers, has shown a decline for both Amazon and Walmart. However, the trends vary between the two platforms:

Cost Per Click (CPC) and Sales Per Click (SPC) CPC and SPC are critical metrics for advertisers. Here’s how they have trended in H1 2024:

Despite the rising CPCs, the increase in SPC indicates that the value of clicks is also growing. This growth suggests improved conversion rates or higher average order values.

Detailed Insights on Walmart

Detailed Insights on Amazon

Key Takeaways for Advertisers

Looking Ahead to H2 2024 Based on the data from H1, here are some predictions for H2 2024:

Conclusion The first half of 2024 has highlighted critical trends in the advertising performance of Amazon and Walmart. While both platforms show increased CPCs, the corresponding rise in SPC indicates growing value in advertising investments. Advertisers should leverage these insights to refine their strategies and maximize their performance in H2 2024. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to monitor these dynamic marketplaces.

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