If you want to tackle the two e-commerce giants, Amazon and Walmart, you will need data. It can take a lot of work to keep up with their regular updates, changes, and expectations on top of customer demands and the e-commerce sector as a whole. Whether you’re just starting in e-commerce or a seasoned industry expert, we have vital data points, takeaways, and information to help you better understand each marketplace’s similarities, differences, and strengths. This month, we’ll look at crucial advertising metrics to gain insight into the strategies used by these retail giants. 

Our goal is to understand the complexities of their marketing strategies, from examining the stability of Cost Per Click (CPC) rates to understanding the efficiency of Advertising Cost of Sales (ACOS). Throughout our journey, we will monitor the ad spend allocation by Amazon and Walmart, providing valuable insights into their respective strategies. Also, we will look at how these retailers used seasonal events like Earth Day promotions or spring sales to boost sales and engagement. By dissecting these metrics, we hope to provide actionable insights to the sellers, shedding light on Amazon’s effective ad spend utilization and Walmart’s optimization efforts.

CPC Stability: Unwavering Strategies for Market Fluctuations

In this analysis, we’ll delve into the advertising landscape for 2023 and 2024, focusing on April data. The transition from April 2023 to April 2024 reveals a notable increase in Cost Per Click (CPC), with 2024 exhibiting higher rates, indicating a significant rise in advertising costs. There’s an increase of approximately 18.75% between the two years.

Seasonal events like Earth Day celebrations or spring sales likely contributed to these fluctuations. Advertisers may have ramped up their campaigns to seize the opportunity presented by increased consumer spending during these periods, resulting in heightened competition and higher CPCs. While both datasets exhibit stability within their respective years, the overall upward trend observed in April 2024 indicates potential shifts in market conditions or strategic adjustments in advertising approaches. Understanding these factors is pivotal for businesses to adapt their strategies effectively, ensuring optimal performance and ROI in a rapidly evolving landscape.

Additionally, Amazon’s CPC increased by 19.40% from 2023 to 2024, while Walmart’s increased by 23.40% during the same period. These increases reflect a general trend of rising advertising costs across various sales channels.

ACOS Efficiency: Contrasting Approaches between Amazon and Walmart

ACOS increased significantly in April 2024 when compared to April 2023. The Average ACOS in April 2023 was 17.7%; in April 2024, it rose to 18.10%, representing a 2.23% increase. These increases reflect potential shifts in advertising efficiency or market conditions that influence the conversion rate of ad clicks to sales.

The ACOS for April 2024 ranged between 17.80% and 18.40%, with weekly fluctuations. The increase in ACOS during April 2024 is attributed to heightened competition among advertisers driven by Earth Day and spring sales. Compared to 2023, the rise is influenced by shifts in market conditions or strategic adjustments. Sellers prioritize optimizing advertising strategies, monitoring campaign performance, and refining keyword targeting to achieve a balanced ACOS. Buyers may respond by being more selective in their purchases or looking for deals and promotions, impacting ad performance and ACOS metrics. Understanding these trends allows businesses to adapt their advertising strategies effectively, ensuring optimal performance and ROI as market dynamics change.

The ACOS on Amazon increased by approximately 1.52% from 2023 to 2024, and the ACOS on Walmart increased by approximately 6.93% from 2023 to 2024.

Ad Spend Allocation: Tracking Strategic Maneuvers and Trends

When comparing ad spend in April 2023 and April 2024, there is a substantial increase in investment. In April 2023, the amount spent on advertising was around $58.67M; in April 2024, it increased to $68.50M. This indicates a significant surge in advertising budgets over a year, resulting in an approximate increase in ad spending of 14.7% between the two years.

In April, ad spend demonstrated consistent growth, possibly influenced by seasonal events like spring sales, Earth Day, and Tax Day. Businesses increase advertising efforts to capitalize on heightened consumer spending associated with these occasions. Easter and spring sales prompt promotions for gifts and seasonal items, while Earth Day encourages eco-friendly initiatives. Tax Day leads to financial incentives, boosting the ad spend. The monthly increase in ad spend suggests strategic adjustments in marketing tactics or expanded campaign scopes to maximize visibility and drive sales. Recognizing these trends empowers sellers to allocate budgets more effectively.

Amazon’s ad spend increased by approximately 16.7% from 2023 to 2024, while Walmart’s increased by 13.85% over the same period.

Unveiling April’s Advertising Landscape: A Comparative Analysis of Amazon and Walmart

CPC (Cost Per Click):

In the ever-changing world of online advertising, Amazon and Walmart demonstrated their prowess with remarkably stable CPC rates. In April 2024, Amazon’s CPC remained stable at $0.80, maintaining the same value as March 2024. On the other hand, Walmart experienced a slight increase in CPC, rising from $0.55 in March 2024 to $0.56 in April 2024.

ACOS (Advertising Cost of Sales):

Examining the Advertising Cost of Sales (ACOS), Amazon sustained a steady rate of 19.9% in April 2024, consistent with its performance in March 2024. Meanwhile, Walmart maintained its ACOS at 10.7% in April 2024, similar to the previous month.

Ad Spend:

Discovering their strategic moves in ad spend allocation, Amazon and Walmart made noteworthy adjustments in April 2024 compared to March 2024. Amazon’s ad spend surged in April compared to March. Conversely, Walmart witnessed a slight increase of 0.2% in ad spend from March to April. 

Seasonal Factors:

During April, both Amazon and Walmart may have capitalized on seasonal factors such as the anticipation of spring and ongoing consumer demand. They strategically adjusted their advertising campaigns to maintain visibility and engagement during this period.

Insights for Performance:

Amazon and Walmart have consistent CPC rates, indicating a steadfast approach to advertising despite market changes. Amazon’s efficient ad spend, reflected in its relatively low ACOS, contrasts with Walmart’s consistent CPC rates and slightly higher ACOS. However, both marketplaces demonstrate their commitment to making informed decisions while navigating the online advertising landscape, positioning themselves for growth and success.

April’s Advertising Spotlight: Health & Household, Home & Kitchen, and Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry Stand Out

During April, a few categories commanded much attention and investment because they were relevant and appealing to consumers this month. 

The categories and their overall percentage contribution from Amazon and Walmart that emerged as frontrunners in the dynamic realm of e-commerce advertising:


Health & Household (11.7%): In April, there was a significant increase in advertising spending for health and household products as people focused on staying healthy during the seasonal transitions. With spring in full swing, consumers searched for wellness essentials, allergy relief products, and immune-boosting supplements. Advertisers capitalized on the trend by promoting self-care and fitness products, taking advantage of the growing interest in health and overall well-being.

Home & Kitchen (11.5%): As spring arrives, homeowners begin their annual cleaning and home improvement projects. Unsurprisingly, the Home & Kitchen category is seeing an increase in ad spend. Advertisers are heavily promoting products for organization, outdoor living, and gardening, all in an effort to appeal to consumers who want to improve their living spaces. With more outdoor gatherings taking place, advertisers are focusing on grilling gear, patio furniture, and outdoor decorations, capitalizing on the season’s al fresco lifestyle.


Home (17.6%): April is all about improving your home with Walmart! With consumers looking to change things up for the season, the focus is on furniture, decor, and storage solutions for spring cleaning and organization projects.  During this season, ads featuring festive décor and entertaining essentials offer affordability and variety to cater to diverse needs. 

Patio & Garden (11.6%): In April, Walmart’s Patio & Garden category saw increased ad spend as consumers prepared outdoor spaces for spring and summer enjoyment. Advertisers promote outdoor furniture, gardening supplies, and décor to enhance outdoor living experiences. With the arrival of warmer weather, consumers head to Walmart for quality products and affordable options to transform their outdoor spaces.

In a nutshell, the increase in ad spend for the Health & Household, Home & Kitchen, Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry, Home and Patio & Garden categories in April was due to seasonal factors, consumer behaviors, and thematic associations with health, wellness, home improvement, and sales events. Advertisers strategically aligned their campaigns with these trends to capture consumer attention and drive sales, making these categories the focus of e-commerce advertising efforts this month.

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