In today’s fast-paced business landscape, staying informed about your business’s performance is crucial. Keeping track of key metrics and understanding how they trend over time can help you make data-driven decisions and optimize your operations. Our industry-leading AI’s weekly updates are here to provide you with just that, and this blog post will guide you through what you need to know about this valuable tool.

What are Teikametrics’ weekly updates?

Our weekly updates are a game-changer for businesses looking to monitor and analyze their performance. Every week, you’ll receive an email summarizing key metrics for the prior week. These metrics encompass vital aspects of your business, and they also reveal trends week over week. This feature allows you to identify and act on any increases or decreases in performance promptly.

Key Metrics to Watch

To truly understand how your business is performing, these weekly updates provide you with several key metrics:

Ad Sales: Monitor your advertising efforts and see how they contribute to your overall success.

Ad Spend: Keep track of your advertising spend and evaluate its impact on your business’s performance.

ROAS (Return on Ad Spend): Understand the effectiveness of your ad investment by calculating the return on your ad spend.

TACOS (Total Advertising Cost of Sale): This metric gives you insights into how your ad investment is affecting your overall sales performance.

Total Sales: Measure the overall sales performance of your business.

Key Data, Every Week

The weekly updates are a valuable resource for businesses of all sizes. By keeping you informed about key performance metrics and trends, these updates empower you to make informed decisions and continually optimize your business. Whether you’re tracking ad performance, evaluating your advertising budget, or calculating the return on ad spend, this feature will become a pillar supporting your success.

Remember, to receive these weekly updates, make sure you have an AI-powered subscription with Teikametrics. Additionally, ensure that product data is connected to your account for the most accurate Total Sales figures. For a more comprehensive view, explore additional metrics in Compass, and don’t hesitate to share your feedback to help us enhance our services further.

With weekly updates, you’ll have the insights you need to navigate the ever-evolving business landscape and drive success. Stay on top of your key metrics and make data-driven decisions for your business’s growth and prosperity.